View Full Version : Another use for engraving laminate

11-12-2016, 11:44 PM
I discovered that my (nearly) three year old grandson had been using the bass port on my home cinema sound system woofer as a play 'lobster pot'. In the trap were two soft plastic toys, a bouncy ball, a piece of polished gemstone, two large glass beads and an owl soft toy. After an hour of swearing using various tools to get the stuff out with no success at all, I took the 'glued in' terminals plate off the back and pulled out the items.
Having re-assembled the speaker, I thought a 3D printed grille would be a good idea, but Sketchup was just too tedious to draw out anything, so, using AutoCAD in 5 minutes I drew a circle and filled it with an array of smaller circles. Two minutes to CAM it in EstlCam and Five to cut it. Within the half hour the speaker was back in place with the grille glued in.

Now I just have to make sure the little charmer doesn't take anything long and less than 5mm diameter into the TV room :smile:



Boyan Silyavski
12-12-2016, 01:09 AM
Thats why i have my studio JBLs with covers to take attention from them in the room. Not to speak that people like touching where they shouldn't .

When i was 4 years old i used to disassemble my toys with my fathers screwdriver and put bolts in my nose for fun??? so you must be lucky that your grandson decided to put that stuff in the speaker

Is that Dibond you used?

12-12-2016, 01:47 AM
Is that Dibond you used? No It is this stuff http://www.sorotec.de/shop/Materials/Engraving-material-1-5/Engraving-Plastic-Silver-Brushed--Black-1-2mmx300mmx200mm.html

12-12-2016, 09:38 PM
When i was 4 years old i used to disassemble my toys with my fathers screwdriver and put bolts in my nose for fun???

I used to do that with my toys then bury them in back yard. I still know where's there's Orginal Thunder Bird 2 buried. Now 46yrs on I still do same just with CNC machines. . .Lol