View Full Version : comunication TNC 150

21-08-2018, 05:42 AM
Hi everyone :]
Thanks for joining the group.
I have a bridgeporta cnc with TNC 150 control.
I sent programs using the TNC server from the computer to the machine. Everything worked without a hitch. And here it stopped working. The moment I go into editing I press EXT I choose READ IN TAPE there is no program number - even if there is no number in the notebook (the first line with the number) it is a message with incorrect syntax and nothing here.
I checked the wires
USB -> DB (I've reinstalled the drivers) is ok
DB -> serial plug - it's ok

tnc parameters set correctly (ports No. 3 agree in the device settings after installing the drivers also 3, 2400 speed in tnc and on the 2400 machine

when I remove the plug from the machine it screams that it is not ready for transmission (so I can see the plug)
I installed tncremont arranged -> no connection

I am able to do something on my own or change the driver all and to the site?
maybe I changed something inadvertently? (I do not know if I could).
Please help