View Full Version : BUILD LOG: XY Pen plotter

07-12-2018, 09:55 AM
Recently i bought a pen drawing robot kit from aliexpress.

I assembled the kit successfully and checked the motors with the grbl controller and they were fine.

And now the problems start:

When trying to draw anything the plotter goes insane, it's moving all the way to the side (x axis) and then it is stuck the motor heats up as well as the driver.

Tried using inkscape for drawing and then grbl controller to send the file to the arduino.

Tried Universal Gcode sender as well , same result.

I don't really know how to operate it yet, so it might be the problem.

I'd really appreciate if someone can guide me through this project of mine or give me a guide that can help me thorough.

Thx alot !

The plotter : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/DIY-LY-drawbot-pen-drawing-robot-machine-lettering-CNC-V3-shield-drawing-toys-for-drawing-writing/32931193281.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.37ef4c4dWe5 bOf