View Full Version : Material for lithophane's

Mad Professor
29-05-2016, 04:37 PM
Hi All.

I am trying to locate where I can buy suitable material for lithophane's.

One of my friends who works as a kitchen fitter used to be able to get hold of 6mm thick corian for me. But this seems to of come to an end.

I don't know if this is a supply issue or if his boss as put a stop to it.

So I am now on the hunt for a new supplier for corian, or any other martial that is suitable for making lithophane's.

Thanks for your time.

Best Regards.

30-05-2016, 06:41 PM
DuPont always use proprietary names but Corian is an Acrylic, have you tried other clear acrylics?

30-05-2016, 09:44 PM
If you are willing to order a sheet of it I might be able to help. I have an account with the UK distro' for Corian (Dupont) as well as Samsung and LG's Product. There are other out there including Krion out of Spain (made in South Korea to my knowldege). HI-MACS and Corian tend to be the most commonly used of solid surfaces for Lithophanes. Solid Surface are NOT even 50% acrylic, though acrylic is one of the major items in them. catch me on skype.
