Quote Originally Posted by magicniner View Post
Only if you show the desktop though :D

I do get that's just different, no worse and no better from an ergonomic point of view but it's Microsoft's new revenue stream model plans that I worry about and how that's going to work out down the line, they are desperate to move to annual licences for as much of their product range as possible and I want nothing to do with any of that.
I also want nothing to do with any of that, the prospect of the end user becoming increasingly controlled ala 1984 makes me feel quite sick. Also, I have been deceived into installing what are effectively downgrades too many times now. I will be saying goodbye to the Proprietary world as soon as I can no longer get by on Windows-7.

I recently watched a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6xUaK4DZU0 of a talk by Richard Stallman at TEDx 2014 and reckon GNU/Linux is the closest thing to an alternative to the Microsoft/Apple world. I only hope that my brain is still capable of adapting to yet another big change!