Hi guys,
Need some help, the size of wire required for cnc is confusing me!
I am going to be running nema 23's 425oz drawing 3amps. However, I am undecided as to whether to use individual wires so I can match up the motor colours all the way through to the drivers. Or, use a 4 core wire to the control box and individual wires within.
So my question is what size wire do I require? I can find suitable rated amp wire but I then get confused with the 0.5,0.75, 1.0 etc.
I have read different things about wire size in respect of using 18awg or 22awg, but most listings for wire I have seen refer to the 0.5 etc.
Is automotive wire ok?
I know I will be using proper rated cable for the actual power supply. I just need to sort out motors and peripherals.
Thanks in advance