I want a compact VMC that I can run on a good household 240V connection, I say it's a good connection because in addition to the house it has in the past happily dealt with a draughty garage where a 3hp compressor and enough convector heaters to get it warm enough for full 2k car resprays were in use.

I can't just buy a commercial VMC as they expect 3 Phase and more power draw than I suspect I could manage even through inverter drives, the Skyfire sounded ideal but recent discussions have knocked the shine off that a little as I will be working in Steel, Stainless Steel and Aluminium Alloys and expect a carousel tool changer to know where it is without intervention.

Do I go for a commercial compact VMC with a converter for all the motion and ancillaries and downgrade the spindle motor then run that from a VFD?
I think a diesel genny is out of the question from a noise and emissions standpoint.

Should I embark on an epic mill conversion journey or scratch build?
B*gger me, this has all just stepped a little sideways and well out of my comfort zone!
