. .
  1. #1
    Can anybody tell me whether the Y travel of the KX-3 can be increased by some simple means? Perhaps by repositioning the limit switch or installing longer ball screws and revised end mounting?
    (My first post while considering which machine to buy)

  2. #2
    I read the throat is 150mm, for the Y travel is pretty much maxed out unless you modify the head.

  3. #3
    Hi Doddy,
    Thanks for the information. The specified cross travel is 120mm, which is really small. You are probably correct in that the head to spindle distance limits the travel. Although that is specified as 200mm and with a table width of 160mm, this seems enough to allow more than 120mm of travel. I'm surprised that they have not modified this yet, as there have been quite a few comments about the limited travel. Were it not for this, I would be keener to buy one. But the price is attactive compared to Syil and Skyfire machines, which have somewhat more cross travel.

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