I received the email about it a couple days ago.

I always suspected the free lunch would end at some point, as Autodesk have essentially been developing F360 to get market share back from Solidworks, so it's no surprise given they've gained a large user base, they now want to maximise return on all their effort.

From a quick look at hobby restrictions, you're still getting full design and manufacture (CAD + CAM) functionality, but losing everything else, which could be quite a bit, as other key features have separate headers on the features page - https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/features
I can understand removing Simulation and other advanced functions, but 3D modelling is a major feature, and they're going to lose a lot of 3D printer users if hobbyists don't get access to the Rapid Prototyping stuff.

Has anybody had a look through the F360 forums to see if there's a breakdown/comparison between what the different levels of users get?