Ah, an entertaining video (actually, I recall watching that fairly recently, maybe when you first posted, but before I got into this particular forced-upgrade cycle... and as it held no relevant context for me at the time I promptly forgot about it) - you sound as amused with the manual as I've felt frustrated - though I'm coming from a position of zero knowledge.

I'm not going to argue the numbers - but, yes, from the last couple of hours of trying to work it out by first principles I've given up, set up PN098 to 10, PN102 to 1, and "tweaked" the PPR in UCCNC until my super-calibrated rev counter (finger on spindle, so I can count RPM against a stop-watch*) and 60 rpm, I'm pretty confident I've got back to a 0-2000rpm spindle speed, now programmable by UCCNC (previously only manual panel control). And I've use the spindle to machine a slot in the belt cover to allow me to get the servo cables out without fouling the Z-column. Life is good again.

(* My real, laser-diode rev counter appears to have re-invented itself as a random number generator)