Thought this was the most appropriate thread to put my question in.
I bought this board (3-axis one) after my previous Xylotex one blew up.
Here was me thinking it would just be a straight swap... and I'd be away!

Anyway, connected it all up, and when I try and jog the machine in Mach3 nothing happens, but I can hear the motors idling.
The board is rated upto 36v. Have tested the power going into the board at 27V so that shouldn't be a problem.
The X/Y/Z axis leds sometimes come on but if they do, they always go off when I load up Mach3.

The settings and pinouts all seem to be fine in Mach3 - I have checked them time and time again.
Without Mach3 open, there is no voltage going to any of the motors. Once I open it, there is ~1.7V/0.8A of power going to the A+/A- phase of each motor. And no power going to the B+/B- phase.

Excuse my lack of knowledge, but I assume the output voltage of the board to the motors should change when running a CNC program or jogging the machine? This does not happen. It stays idle.

So I'm mega confused and not sure whether its Mach3, the board or the motors which are the problem.
If anybody has any suggestions I'd be greatful!