Hi everybody, I'm just another new (and perplexed) user of the TB6560 board. (I'm from Italy, so forgive me for my bad english)
Due to lack and inaccuracy of the documentation available for the board, I've searched around and come by chance to this forum, where I've luckily found answers to some of my doubts and saved some chip-smoking (up to now...) thanks to many intrepid experts that shared their experiences. Kudos to you all.
Now, I've started to test the basic functions of the board (a blue 3-axis HYU68 from Ebay) with 3 NEMA-23 2A motors, 24V supply, just testing the basic signals on the 15-pin port (no parallel connection at this time)
The first problem I've encountered is that the pinout table shown on the manual seems to be wrong, with pins 9 to 15 reversed left to right, like if someone has correctly counted pins 1 to 8 of top row and then continued to count the numbers of second row backwards instead of going back to "new paragraph" as is customary on Cannon-type connectors. I say this because I've found the expected 5V and GND on pin 9 and 10 respectively, instead of 15 and 14 as stated in the manual. (the order of the top row 1-8 appears to be correct)
Did someone else notice this? (and also eventual other mismatches on the 25-pin parallel port?)
Thank you for any suggestion