Evening all

I'm new to this forum and new to the cnc business too but I an learning by trial & error and getting there slowly. I first got interested in the possibility of cnc when I discovered Tom McWire's easy cnc on instructables back in 07, the idea fascinated me & I wanted to be able to make some PCB's. I had 3 old scanners lying around and started to throw together 3 steppers just to see what would happen, the board was easy but the learning curve for the rest was huge, since that time I have built another machine and have some scant knowledge of using Qcad and Kcam, but neither without there problems, of late I have a small machine working and just getting to the point of expecting great things of it, but there are kinks and I'm not to sure if there my kinks or Qcad or Kcam.

So, what i did was to put a pen in the chuck, stretched some paper on the table and pressed go, but, some parts of the circuit line up and others don’t, and in places it repeats itself going over some lines 2 or even 3 times, so I was wondering, do others out there have problems translating Qcad Gcode to Kcam or is it perhaps my very old pc, or just me being dopey?
