
After looking at numerous CAD/CAM and easy this and simple that programs, I started writing VB routines to generate G code, mostly outputted to the immediate window and copy pasted it where I wanted it, most of these routines never made it out of the debugger.

I'm not knocking the CAD/CAM programs, they are incredible, but what they offer is way above what I would need as a hobbyist (I'm too old to write an obbyist, sorry. Where'd my aitch went?) so I took to writing what I needed myself.

I'm doing bowl shapes at the moment and once I have finished the X,Y scaled bowl I want to to concentrate more on fractal patterns and mathematical patterns. The material I love to use is plexiglass, especially combined with LED RGB lighting (I have examples of RGB LED plant lighting on my site).

So if you are like minded and willing to share your routines and experiences I'd love to hear about them.
I reckon I've nearly cracked bowl, and whether it's accurate or not I just love writing it.
