I have spoken to Hedds about their encoders and noticed the Pendant in the catalogue.
But never got any further than that.
The only things i am going to be adding to my range in the next few months is rack and pinion, motor mounds and also looking at making Seig X# CNC conversion kits, but this will be once i convert my own, so god knows when that will be.

Quote Originally Posted by Smiler View Post
Just to be clear here, I would never attempt to buy anything like a 1m long ball screw from China. I am not stupid and realise shipping chrges alone will be double the value of the item. I would certainly not risk the sort of money I've spent with Zapp on eBay purchases abroad. What gets my goat is when buying from UK companies, you almost think they are doing you a favour by selling you their goods. If Gary stocked a pendant even at 20% more than I bought mine from I would have bought it from him but sad fact is he don't sell 'em and they are as rare and costly as hens teeth when you can find someone who will stoop to sell you one. Even if I had been hit by the VAT, it would still have been MILES cheaper than I could have bought one here. As Gary says, it is a calculated risk but so is any purchase, UK or worlwide.

Not having a go at Gary at all, service has always been A1 and Zapp can't have too wide a range of stock in these times so he is forgiven for not stocking the exact items I want to buy ;).

Regards, Jeff.