Just a few general purpose tips that I have found work well for me:

a. I virtually never use the Pan tool because it involves pressing the middle mouse key AND simultaneously pressing the left mouse key or the shift key, and I just don't have the dexterity to do this and find it a PITA. Instead of Panning in the normal way rather Zoom-Out from a particular point on the screen and then Zoom-In from another point, which achieves the same affect as Panning but is loads easier IMO... I only use one hand...

b. When using the Move/Copy tool it can sometimes be very useful to select a particular point... normally an endpoint... within the object to be moved/copied and then type [0,0,0] which repositions that point from wherever it was to the Origin of the axes.

I am using SketchUp so much at the moment that I'm finding it a real PITA that I cannot Orbit around ordinary jpg images. ... Lol
