Quick update and some more video later once Youtube has finished processing.
Got my machine back up and running using my old board and luckily the transformer wasn't fried but had strangely blown the 1Amp fuse protecting the 5V output, which wasn't actually connected at the time. Replaced the fuse, clenched sphincter and turned on the power and all was well....phew.
I had a funny with MACH3 where the same error/crash occurred when going into the probing wizard and strangely this was repeatable whilst the control box/steppers were powered, but when I tried it unpowered I was able to go into the wizard and then powered up the machine and no further strangeness occurred.
The video shows some pockets being cut with ramp in, slot and then pocketing at 2mm DoC. I do have some chatter in the machine still somewhere, which I will try and null out. I have run some cut out paths which in some directions are almost noiseless, but in others are not, so I'll use that as a clue to which axis I have some flex in, but generally the new feeds and speeds, air/misting etc. seem to be working really well.