Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan View Post
What voltage were you running them on?

They are running at 24.0v(exactly). I'll give you the whole story to see if you can pinpoint anything.

The control box is the one that comes with the 3040, never had a problem until it was in storage while I moved. I unpacked it one day, set it up, hit the switch and poof, blue smoke was escaping from the breakout board. One of the buffers had popped so I assumed the breakout was gone and bought a new one. After a lot of tracing I figured out which wire went where and hooked up the Y axis. Success! It moved both ways and much smoother than before so I hooked up the Z axis and again it worked better than ever. Then came the X axis, after hooking it up the motor moved briefly then stopped. I assumed it was the wiring so I ran new wiring between breakout and driver and it was the same. I then moved the Y axis driver and plugged it into the X axis wiring and poof, more smoke. The motor moved about 100mm before killing the driver.

Is this a motor fault, it sounded ok for the brief moment it moved, or is it more likely to be damaged wiring between motor and driver?

Thanks for any help, Phil