I've been wanting to build a CNC router for some time now, and after joining the mycncuk forums some months ago haven't had much time to get my build going. Well, now the days are drawing in fast and the fact that it has been throwing it down with rain all weekend, I got a bit bored so I contacted Chai (from the recommendations found here) and he put together a good package for me, and I've only gone and blummin' ordered it.

So this is what I have winging it's way via fed ex to me.

3 x supported linear rails SBR20-300/700/1100mm rails with SBR20UU bearing blocks.
3 x ballscrews C7 RM1605-350/750/1150mm with ballnuts and standard end machinings.
3 x sets of BK/BF12 bearing mounts
3 x ballnut housing brackets
3 x flexible couplings 6.35mm*8mm

Now during the wait on delivery I'm going to get into CAD, and try to put what's in my head in to some sort of plan as to what I'm going to do with them when they arrive.

Thanks for all your advice so far, I'm sure Ill be back for more soon.