. .
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  1. #1
    OK I'm pissed off.!! My pet hate is Censorship and it's happening again with Gestapo thread policing.

    Over in this Thread . . . http://www.mycncuk.com/forums/g-code...-4th-axis.html . . . both M.C and I posted with comments on John S not being around anymore. Nothing Of what I posted was out of Order and IMO neither did M.C and it's FACT John S hasn't been around since he pointed out a valid point in a thread http://www.mycncuk.com/forums/feedba...html#post35687 and was chastised for it (Wrongly IMO) so took exception and hasn't been back since and very much doubt will be again.

    LEE I've seen your comments on the plans for this forum and other forums but let me ask this question (That John S ounce said to me) . . . How the hell do you plan to do that with less than 20 regular posters and even fewer Experienced one's (18 now.!!)

    This Forum is only has good has it's REGULAR and EXPERIENCED posters and if we are going to be treated with such disrespect then I'm having no further part in it.!!

    So sorry folks from now on I will be taking a leaf from John S book.!!

    Those that need advice can PM me I'll still reply and those that Know my email or phone number your still welcome anytime but I won't be commenting on any threads or builds. . . That's what Censorships brings.!!

    Happy CNC'ing

  2. #2
    and if we lose the regulars/experienced like jazz then whats the point in new guys like myself joining the forum?
    as a new member to the site i think all the little twists and turns off track in a thread are what give this site personality there's no need to remove stuff, yes ideally you'd get straight to the point threads but wheres the fun in that... the post that has been linked & edited above now looks like a robot has typed the replies.. :/

    i'm a member of another forum i'd say almost every topic goes off on one, but it always comes back, people i have met through that forum have also been alot easier to approach when meeting at shows due to the fact you can get a bit of their personality from the posts they make.

    if you are going to drive away the people who basicly keep this forum going then there seems no point to post updates to build logs as the people you are looking for replies from wont be looking.

  3. #3
    I totally agree with you Jazz that there was nothing wrong with anything you or M_C posted on that thread..... And frankly editing it out seems a bit pointless IMO, as I thought the thread was already back on track, but then again I'm not running the forum...

    Btw, I disagreed with JohnS's view on the "Exception" thread... it's simply life that we cannot always agree IMV... but sadly I've certainly noticed that JohnS is conspicuous by his absence ever since that thread, and he is missed as much as you will be.

    I will stay in touch via email/skype.

  4. #4
    So sorry folks from now on I will be taking a leaf from John S book.!!
    sounds a bit harsh jazz... it's the members you n john are punishing!
    i dont know the in's and out's of the latest scrape but if i had to stick £100 on who was being a dick id be as well to toss a coin on the matter
    (censorship is a ruthless weapon when abused... as is a yorkshireman with a skin full lol)

    you should sleep on it... and twist johns arm while your at it :)

  5. #5
    Do remember the linked thread before someone let a redundant Newsnight editor loose on it....

    C`mon Lee your original comment in that thread was fair enough, the way it has now been edited changes the story a lot.

    Can`t say it makes me feel comfortable in a place where may look for honest recommendations.


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
    OK I'm pissed off.!! My pet hate is Censorship and it's happening again with Gestapo thread policing.

    Over in this Thread . . . http://www.mycncuk.com/forums/g-code...-4th-axis.html . . . both M.C and I posted with comments on John S not being around anymore. Nothing Of what I posted was out of Order and IMO neither did M.C and it's FACT John S hasn't been around since he pointed out a valid point in a thread http://www.mycncuk.com/forums/feedba...html#post35687 and was chastised for it (Wrongly IMO) so took exception and hasn't been back since and very much doubt will be again.

    LEE I've seen your comments on the plans for this forum and other forums but let me ask this question (That John S ounce said to me) . . . How the hell do you plan to do that with less than 20 regular posters and even fewer Experienced one's (18 now.!!)

    This Forum is only has good has it's REGULAR and EXPERIENCED posters and if we are going to be treated with such disrespect then I'm having no further part in it.!!

    So sorry folks from now on I will be taking a leaf from John S book.!!

    Those that need advice can PM me I'll still reply and those that Know my email or phone number your still welcome anytime but I won't be commenting on any threads or builds. . . That's what Censorships brings.!!

    Happy CNC'ing
    Well Im Gutted, The amount of things ive learned from you is huge and to be honest I am not sure who to pester now.. I have not been on as much as i would have liked lately due to work commitments but i was shocked about John S. I for one will miss you both and i do hope you will keep in touch. In fact what would make you stay???

    Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other - Abe Lincoln

  7. #7
    I must admit I have missed not having any Hobnobs and I will miss not having Jazz around as well. Always enjoyed reading any posts you two had input in and learned quite a bit from them.
    Sorry to see you go!!

    Best Regards


  8. #8
    Jazz. I have read most of your posts (and John S) and I have a lot of respect for you in the help that you have given many people including myself by reading them. it would be a great shame if the forum lost you as it takes all types to make a good forum, I hope perhaps you could sleep on it and reconsider if only for the benifit of all us newbies out here to lead us on the correct path through the minefield . I would also like to thank you for your input to many posts.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Clive S For This Useful Post:

  10. #9
    Jazz, I for one will miss your posts, like I did with John S. I also urge you to rethink your decision as your guidance to new comers is invaluable, its realistic with real world data just the type of info I was after. I know that its not just the forum posts that make JAZZCNC, but all those lengthy pm's explaining peoples issues in layman's. I'm just glad through email conversations we have formed a relationship, that will continue past the cnc world.

    I will continue my build log, which right now is a little slow, just so the new and un-experienced can learn from the tips you gave.

    I also hate censorship, in a different context, lol

    Regards Adil

  11. #10
    Lee Roberts's Avatar
    Lives in Wigan, United Kingdom. Current Activity: Viewing Moderator Control Panel Forum Superstar, has done so much to help others, they deserve a medal. Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 2,914. Received thanks 227 times, giving thanks to others 776 times. Made a monetary donation to the upkeep of the community. Referred 11 members to the community.
    Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
    OK I'm pissed off.!! My pet hate is Censorship and it's happening again with Gestapo thread policing.

    Over in this Thread . . . http://www.mycncuk.com/forums/g-code...-4th-axis.html . . . both M.C and I posted with comments on John S not being around anymore. Nothing Of what I posted was out of Order and IMO neither did M.C and it's FACT John S hasn't been around since he pointed out a valid point in a thread http://www.mycncuk.com/forums/feedba...html#post35687 and was chastised for it (Wrongly IMO) so took exception and hasn't been back since and very much doubt will be again.

    LEE I've seen your comments on the plans for this forum and other forums but let me ask this question (That John S ounce said to me) . . . How the hell do you plan to do that with less than 20 regular posters and even fewer Experienced one's (18 now.!!)

    This Forum is only has good has it's REGULAR and EXPERIENCED posters and if we are going to be treated with such disrespect then I'm having no further part in it.!!

    So sorry folks from now on I will be taking a leaf from John S book.!!

    Those that need advice can PM me I'll still reply and those that Know my email or phone number your still welcome anytime but I won't be commenting on any threads or builds. . . That's what Censorships brings.!!

    Happy CNC'ing
    Nothing has been censored Jazz, moderated yes censored no!

    I agree with you that your comments and m-c’s were fine and not out of order. However the thread was about machine a camshaft and a 4th axis. So comments based on speculation and other things not remotely related to what the thread was about were moderated out to make sure the thread went back on track. Moderation not censorship!

    There are far more than 20 active members on these forums; it’s also true that there are more than a few experienced users. I can remember when some of the current experienced users where the ones asking the newbie questions, my point is with time everyone learns and people come and go and as they do they develop just like everyone else, this enables them to share what they know.

    “So sorry folks from now on I will be taking a leaf from John S book.”

    What leaf would that be though, to date there hasn’t been an official statement from John S confirming his position regarding if or not he has indeed left the site. So I read that statement as more speculation, so not really something to base such a drastic decision on.

    Here is a copy of what was said in the thread and my replies:

    Quote Originally Posted by Lee Roberts
    Quote Originally Posted by m_c View Post
    The only thing he apologized for, was for having an 'old fashioned view' on things, not 'getting it wrong'.
    No he said:

    Quote Originally Posted by John S View Post
    Anyway I'm obviously wrong on this - sorry, I must be just too old fashioned.......................
    Quote Originally Posted by m_c View Post
    PS. I notice in the absence of John S to complain, that skimlinking has reappeared.
    Skimlinks have been on the forum since i installed them, they have never been removed. Point me to where John S complained about them being on here, actually don’t bother I've better things to think about and do.

    Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
    Despite what Lee thinks I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for John to show up round here so I'd contact him directly.!. . . . . Mind you knowing that Old Bast@~rd he'll be along any minute just to prove me wrong. . Lol
    Hummm, if John has left the forum it would be a sad thing, as he was one of the very first people I invited to my personal cnc blog that has now become this public forum. What do i think ?, who cares ? Well...I think he’s a bigger and better man than people are giving him credit for, he wouldn’t leave something he helped to build over somthing as trivial as split milk.

    So as you can see nothing so serious and nothing I would need to “hide” or censor, however totally off topic and based on nothing more than speculation and people getting their facts wrong.

    What I did with the said thread is nothing I haven’t done before and the only difference is this time it involves Jazz’s posts and as we know Jazz doesn’t like his posts being “messed with” but like everyone else he is subject to the forum rules and how I sail my ship. I also note that you have read the forum rules Jazz, so nothing here should come as a shock or indeed as unexpected to you.

    I remind you of something you said to me not so long ago Jazz, “I’m getting used to you now Lee”. If people want to discuss if or not John S has decided to stop using the forum they are more than welcome to, the only reason I never moved the said posts regarding this to a new thread is because there has been no official comment from John S on this, so anything being said was simply speculation and could cause alarm for no valid reason. Similar to what this thread has done.

    Quote Originally Posted by Musht View Post
    C`mon Lee your original comment in that thread was fair enough, the way it has now been edited changes the story a lot. Can`t say it makes me feel comfortable in a place where may look for honest recommendations.
    Not sure I follow what you mean Adam, what is left in the camshaft thread is everything related to the original post, robot like or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ricardoco View Post
    I was shocked about John S. Rick
    Exactly but you have no reason to be as John hasn’t said he’s left the forum, it’s just rumour going round at the mill. Robin Hewitt hasn’t posted on the forum for 4 days now, does that mean he’s stopped using the forum now as well. I dont think so, I’m personally not about to second guess some one.

    I'm not kidding myself with regards to John S either, it’s quite possible he has decided not to engage on the forums anymore, but allot of things are also possible. As such I’m not going to stop thinking positive about something just because it’s easier and make's good reading for some. When i feel enough time has passed or I get word from John S that the above is true then I will make my move.

    I'm off to make my reply to Irving, who has had a near fatal accident recently and is in a very bad way: new life irving reborn


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