As the title would suggest, I am a total CNC newbie, with plans to convert a yet-to-be-purchased lathe to CNC operation. The basic idea is to fabricate odds and sods for my hobby, which is restoring and modifying cars and bikes.

In 'real life' I work in IT, mostly in databases, but have some programming experience. Linux and Perl.

I have lots of tools and a 'get stuck in' attitude which have served well so far.

I have a 3yr old girl, and a boy on the way, so time is limited and progress will be slow!

Love the build threads on the forum and and associated YouTubes!

Be prepared for lots of noddy questions from me (some so noddy that internet searches so far haven't found the answers - so they must be so noddy that nobody feels it's worth documenting the answers!) - please be gentle!

