
I worked professionally as a senior developer on software used within Solidworks, Unigraphics and SolidEdge. It never ceases to amaze me how people overlook the sheer cost and complexity of developing CADCAM software and expect it for peanuts. Believe me the guts of a solid modelling package are not simple and are expensive to maintain.

My view that is if this software works and works well then it is extremely cheap and complaints over a simplified licensing system are not justified - I expect to pay £100 for a medium range graphics package, any CADCAM system that works well at this level is easily justified and I would not moan if I had to buy multiple licenses. Having said that I do not like having to rely on the vendor when I want to transfer to a new machine.

I sympathise with the vendor regards cost and complexity of licensing methods - I do think an optional CD would be nice though even if it was an optional extra, many CNC users will be middle aged and unlike the younger generation who seem comfortable with virtual media older folks may appreciate a hard copy. I am still using Dreamweaver 2004 - as a software guy I just need a php and html editor and it suits my purpose just fine - I recently installed it on a new laptop and found that the software vendor barely supports versions as old as mine and I had to email them to find out how to install on my new machine - they gave me a special code. It would be nice if software as it "aged" became less fussy about who is installing it - I like to take the view that when I buy software I buy it for life regardless of the fate of the vendor - the smaller the vendor the less confidence I have that they will be around in five years hence the desire for easy migration to a new machine without relying on
the vendors website still being around.
