Quote Originally Posted by silyavski View Post
Hi Neale,
This is specifically a casting epoxy, its not a coating epoxy. It specifically says 0.1% shrinkage in its technical sheet, and by no means its a cheap epoxy , its simply cheaper than imported WS epoxies.
I also read a lot of documents about epoxy and all say the same- 3 types of shrinkage, and exactly this type is due to non reacting solvents. This is not shrinkage due to temperature cause it happens after the initial hardening. From the company started to argue with me, saying this is not possible, it never happened, until the moment they understood that i know a lot of sh^t about epoxy and they agreed that this was because of the cheap solvents. That was the moment they agreed to break their policy of no return, once its opened.
Syliavski i thought that a solvent free epoxy is a must at this procedure. Why you choose to buy an epoxy that contains solvent ( or i missaunderstood something?)
