Hello to all.

Since retirement I have been able to spend more time indulging in hobbies based on electronics, model engineering, and computing. To date I have built a 3D printer and a more-or-less-JGRO router, with a few mods of my own such as 3D-printed components where possible. The router has been working OK, but in my somewhat humid garage the MDF is already sagging 6 months or so after build. It's OK for smallish pieces with a shimmed or machined in situ spoil board but it is clearly showing the limitations of an MDF machine. Taught me a lot, though, and most of the more expensive bits are going to be reusable for the Mk2...

I'm looking for ideas for a replacement, probably in aluminium extrusion as this seems very popular, but I don't really want to design something from scratch. Something about the size of the JGRO would be fine. Scouting through router build logs to see what I can copy, but if anyone has pointers to something along these lines they would be much appreciated!

- Brian