I left it a bit late to make some presents for friends, so yesterday I switched on my machine, or tried to ! The NVR switch wouldn't latch (coil burnt out ?), so I had to spend time changing it for a 15A rocker.
OK set up and start cuttingClick image for larger version. 

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ID:	11057 After the third cut the tool went blunt and started to burn the wood. Change cutter that was last 2.2mm one so changed to cheap 3mm one. Restart job. Tool goes everywhere and snaps. Look at machine - Z axis bottom linear bearings had dropped out !!! Two year old British made machine !!!! (! denotes use of expletive beginning with F or C). After bodging up a bearing retainer, I managed to get 7 of these made up.

The woods are Canarywood and Sapele and the item is a teapot stand.

Spiral - Koru:

It represents the unfolding of the New Zealand native fern. It is symbol of new life, new beginning, personal growth and harmony. It is believed to bring hope, peace and tranquillity.

Happy X*** and a Jolly good 2014 to everyone. (With the exception of a certain company !!!!!)

