Hi everyone

Just joined the forums as this looks a great place for advice, im a joiner by trade but my cnc will be mainly hobby use, i've no experience in cnc only what i've been reading over the last few months.

The machine will be in my garage at home so i don't want to go to big plus by the sounds of things its best to start small anyway. I was thinking of a machine with a cutting capacity of about 900 for X 700 for Y and about 150 for Z.

This brings me to my first question is it best to buy the ball screws first then design the machine around there sizes, i've been looking on eBay at the sets from China they seem quite cheep are the OK or best avoided.

The only other question i have for now is have other people bought from china and if so do you have to pay vat and import duty's.

Regards Pintglass