Quote Originally Posted by Wal View Post
>Cool guys, How deep are those channels?

They don't need to be as deep as I've illustrated 'em - I think 2mm would be under-doing it a bit - mix too little (or if the frame's level is slightly off) and you're maybe gonna end up with bald-spots... I'd calculate for a 5mm thickness of epoxy and don't forget to make the channel wide enough so that the resulting strip of epoxy supports the full width of the rail.

That's about the extent of my knowledge regarding this technique - someone will be along soon to better advise!

If you look through the build logs for mine, EddyCurrents and others you'll see that we calculated how much epoxy we'd need. Eddy and I went for approx 5mm.

The width needs to be about 38 mm to give enough either side for the miniscus not to come into play. Also important is to make the bridge wide enough so the epoxy flows ok.

Sent from my Galaxy S5