It took a while, but we are getting there with our cybernetic CNC.
See previous post

I wired up the TB6600 to a eBay Planet USB CNC clone from Ratim.(Not aware it was a cloned product when I bought it)
The TB6600 drivers are connected on a 19-24 V power supply, now at 20V and at 1/8 microstepping.

In the beginning the motors started grinding when driving to fast and the CNC carriage was easy to stop by hand.
I got decent result and torque after I inverted the pulse on the USB CNC software.
But the drivers get quite warm, around 40C/43C after 30 min. usage.
Even when the CNC is doing noting, the drivers get warm.
Arround 33C after 20 min. doing nothing.

So I was wondering if it is normal for the Ebay TB 6600 steppers to get so warm, or was inverting the pulse not a good idea ?
I had a look at a spare driver and there appeared to be thermal paste between the TB6600 and the heatsink.
We can get the temp down with some fans of course.

I also looked up the spec of the older drivers the the machine came with,
L297 drivers.
These drivers have Full/Half step mode, so can it be that 1/8 is to much for the motors and make the stepper driver to hot?
I still have to check this.
