Hey all,

Not so long ago my 6040 developed a screeching noise on its Y axis. After a little tinkering, the problem seemed to have cleared up. Been cutting fine since. However, a couple of days ago my machine stopped while cutting. The SMC4-4-16A16B control unit (I don't use Mach 3 but it has similar setup and control features) prompted me to 'reset'. From there on every time I moved the Y axis, the machine stopped and prompted me to reset again. Switched everything off and slowly moved the X and Y by hand for a while and, after doing this a few times, the machine started cutting again when I switched on; successfully finishing the job.

Started cutting today and it seems my Y axis is now losing steps. I tried cutting a circle and it was misshaped. The Y has also started shunting and pausing a little when it first starts moving.

I've switched the stepper motor around and the problem persists on the Y.

Advice appreciated. Thanks,
