Jazz can probably explain it better than me, but you can use the same switches as home and limits as Mach3 can disable limits when homing.

Microswitches are cheap enough (I don't pay more than €2 each) and it looks as though you have standard microswitches, so forget what I said about inductive sensors.

It is not usual to have a Z-- switch. If the object of the Z-- limit is to stop you crashing the tool into the machine bed, you need to know the tool length, so Z-- is pointless.

You should arrange the switches so the actuating is not done by end on contact, but by an arm passing by the switch. That way the switch won't get crushed.

I haven't looked in proper detail at your wiring diagram, but my first impression was that it was over-complicated. I can't understand why you are talking about 10v and 24v as the BoB input pins are 5v, any higher and you could fry the board.

Estop should kill power to the drives and VFD and report to Mach3 that an Estop has happened, which is what you have.

