My machine has developed a problem today during homing. Z and Y home fine, but the long twin motor X axis doesn't home properly.

I press the home button and both X motors move together until it hits the micro switch and clicks. But it then just stops right at that point. Note that it does not e-stop, and you can still jog the machine further onto, or right back off the switch.

It should back off again until the switch clicks off and then stop there instead, then zero the machine and put the offsets in the DRO, but it does none of that.

This only happened today and I can't see why it would start doing this. It was annoying because I was carrying on a job and needed to regain position on the part. In the end I had to step jog off the switch manually (in 0.05mm increments) until the switch clicked off, then I typed the offset position into the X DRO so it would know where the 0,0 of the job was. Luckily I always write the tool offset values down.

It could be noise and I will start by changing the switch and playing with the debounce when I'm next in the workshop, but if it is noise surely it should e-stop? But it just stops. It's also not the longest cable, in fact it is the shortest one (Y and Z home cables are much longer).

Any ideas?