Hi Andy,

Thanks for the advice so far. I'm poor in money and time so I'm going to have to break this down into smaller chunks. So I'll concentrate on the spindle drive and control and get a V5 card. Can you tell me what you used for the spindle encoder, did you buy this or make it? Any pictures you could send me please?

I do have a few more questions regarding the spindle, I've watched a few videos on YouTube of the ATC mechanism working. it looks like the spindle is positioned and locked in place, is there a mechanism within the motor spindle assembly that clicks in to do this? Or is aligned with the slot on the encoder and then motor braking is applied?

Do I need to have any more inputs to the Sprint card such as breaking and the Taco? Lastly I have a temperature sensor wired in the spindle motor, does this do anything, do I need to use it?

