Hi guys,

I am upgrading the electronics on my G540 driven CNC/Router, and need a little assistance with interface between the AM822 error signal, and the PMDX126 error/e-stop connectors.

On the PMDX 126 BoB, it says use connector J13 as below:
2 'K' ( input or machine hold )
4 E-Stop ( disables the outputs and relays on the PMDX board )
6 Fault ( Fault Input ( Active Low) )
7 ERR- ( External ( Gecko, etc ) drive error input negative
8 ERR+( External ( Gecko, etc ) drive error input positive
9 COM ( Common Terminal for Restart Output )
10 RST ( restart output)

Now the Alarm output of the AM822 is:
Alarm signal: OC output signal, activated when over-voltage, over current,
under-voltage, phase-error and stall-error protection. Output polarity can be
programmable. 30V@100mA

So - I had a look at AM822 provided picture for Open Collector and PNP signal, and it makes no sense to me, they have pulse +, Dir +, and ENA + coming from BoB, then they daisy together Pul-, Dir-, ENA-, to the ALM-, going to a controller ground, with resistors fitted where VCC = 12 or 24, but no resistors if VCC = 5 Volts. Given I am not planning on using the ENA+ signal, I would just skip pluggin in the ENA on both accounts, but Do I then Run the ALM -, and daisy chain them together for the 5 different drivers into one line, and then go to the ERR-, or fault, terminal? Is this Common Cathode connection - anything to do with Active high signal, or is that setup seperately to having a common cathode or anode?

The confusing thing is that the AM822 page has the ALM+ signal, going to the ALARM on the Controller, but also the ALM- going to a ground on the controller. SO should all the ALM+ be in series or paralell and go to the ERR+, with the ALM- link together to say pin 5 GND?

Should the PDMX 126 be setup as ( PNP SIGNAL) or Anode? for the motor connectors, as it would seem either can be done?

Confused as hell!