EASIMILL - Software for Easimill machines fitted with a PNC3 controller
EASITURN - Software for Easiturn machines fitted with a PNC3 controller
ORAC - Software for Orac'85 machines (will not work with older oracs macnufactured before 1985)
QUATRO - Software for Easimill machines fitted with a PNC4 controller
STARMILL - Software for Starmill non-ATC machines fitted with an SMCU controller
STARM-TC - Software for Starmill ATC machines fitted with an SMCU controller
TRIAC - Software for Triac machines fitted with a PNC3 controller
STARTURN - Software for Starturn machines fitted with a GSM controller

I found the above packages in an old software backup cd dated 2006 and have not been tested by me.
All of the above comes with no guarantees, but I hope it is of some use to some of you guys trying to get your old hardware up and running again.
If any are of interest to anyone PM me your details I'll send you a copy.
I have also got some but not all manuals and sale's fly outs but I would need to get photo copied first
