Hi I have been in engineering for some 30 years in various forms, and i have always wanted some machinery of my own.

about 15 years ago i started tocollect some machine tools and to make contacts with like minded people, i now own a farly comprehensive workshop with the following tools.

viceroy vertical mill, (ex schools)
Kerry 1324 centre lathe
Harrison Tool & cutter grinder
Drill Press
Startrite bandsaw 14-s-10 (ex schools)
Jones & Shipman 540P surface grinder
Norton DB5 Flypress
And an unfinished flatbed cnc router

See www.cnc.me.uk

I also run a small foundry where i can cast various metals upto Cast iron, at a push.

The only thing i do not have is an unlimited expance if time to play.

Well thats me ( roger):feedback: