Quote Originally Posted by AndyUK View Post
Thanks Kitwn, really helpful link! :)

Yep - got it in one, I suspected anyone into their wooden clocks would know.
I love some of the designs on that site, especially the ones that use the wood as a spring to snap pieces together. They do test the accuracy of your machine though, I copied one idea which made a joint that had the pieces fit rather like the pieces of a jigsaw. Except they didn't. That was the inspiration for the latest round of upgrades which I'm hoping will significantly improve the accuracy of my machine. The Z axis is now made of aluminium instead of plywood so I'm cautiously optimistic!

I consider wooden clocks to be a form of 'kinetic sculpture' just like Mr Roy's creations. Problem is I (unlike everyone else it seems) insist that a clock, any clock, should tell the right time. Hence my current (stalled for want of a working router) project for a GPS-locked wooden pendulum clock.