Hello People.

I'm new here so would greatly receive any advice given to my questions.

Three years ago I purchased a CNC router from a guy in London whom built the machine from a kit imported from the US, to cut a very long and painful story short he let me down and I'm left with a machine that does not run nor was ever commissioned. I did see the router running on a 2d CAD and mach3 software but soon after the PC died and I lost all the software. I have since loaded the demo version of Mach3 to try and bring the beast back to life and do get some limited movement, on pressing the <> keys the z axis moves but only up and from the left/right keys I here a motor running but no movement.

Does anybody on here have knowledge of MACH3 that can help?

Does MACH3 need to be set up before initally working the control AXIS?

Does anybody know a CNC guru based in Kent that I can grace his palms with beer tokens for help?

Any advice would be helpful as I'm losing the last of my limited stock of hair due to the frustration of not knowing what I'm doing.

Sorry for the long post!