So, my name is Jesse.
I'm going into college next year to do 3d design for two years.

I enjoy modding motorbikes and Pcs!

I've been wanting to build a CNC machine for a year at least and I've now ran into some money to do my motorbike bike test and build a CNC machine!

I've got some designs, I'm going to be using linear bearings on 16mm steel rods and will probably use leadscrews with nema 23 steppers.

All put together on some extruded Alu. The budget of this is going to be as low as possible!

my Local Metal supplier is great! as long as I go around there with a pack of biscuits and when the boss is out he just makes up a number in his head for bits I need!

I'll be CNCing Aluminium mainly so I was looking at a kress 800watt spindle.

I'm hopefully going to get a working machine! I've already purchased some linear bearings so they can't go to waist now!!

If anyone knows any good places to get things like Leadscrews, Housed bearings etc, then that would be a great help. I've just been looking on ebay.

I'm looking forward to being an active community member not only getting help, but giving it too :)
