Hi, long time lurker coming out here!

Searching on these forums only comes up with one mention of premiersign.co.uk who sell Redsail CNCs. and the info in that topic was all out of date. I'm particularly curious about the 3020 and 3040 (apparently out of stock) models shown here: http://www.premiersign.co.uk/products.asp?cat=66
These are not at all the same as the 30X0 machines on Ebay for example. The control electronics and the 800W water-cooled spindle motor look superior to the usual fare. Not sure about the mechanicals tho.

I've not seen these 'Redsail' make machines in the usual China sellers areas before, premiersigns seem to be the only dealer but the machines look to employ sensible components and materials for the money and appear to be warehoused in the UK.

I've been battling with the usual dilemma for ages now: DIY or readymade-buy. Having read-up on the experiences of people on these forums, I finally decided to go DIY but after pricing it all up I now have a materials list for a DIY version of the 3040 that works out a bit more expensive Finding these has thrown a proper spanner in the works. I have no idea what reputation the dealer has and that's always a concern as well.