Quote Originally Posted by brsanko View Post
Jazz, you haven't said anything usefull, and if you actually had any knowledge you would have been honored to have been asked for advice. But seeing as you couldn't think of anything useful to say you insted decided to discourage me and say absoutely nothing of any value in 3 long paragraphs. I don't want your help and I would appreciate it if you would refrain from reading my posts in the future. Any knowledge you might actually have is so clouded by your ego and negativity I don't think you could teach a dog to urinate.
Ok I'll ignore the insults for now they are wasted on me anyway I've thicker skin than that.!!

First at the time of posting given there was no information or designs on your engine my advice was relavent and practicle. High IQ alone doesn't mean you'll be a competent machinist or engineer which you'll need to be for such a project. . . Equally buying the biggest or most advanced machinery won't make up for a lack of skill.! . . .So seeking training his sound advice.!!

I could have said, like others have you need a Mill & Lathe (Personally thou a cyclindrical grinder would have been on the list.!!) but thats pritty lose advice and at the time of posting your needs unknown so didn't.

Now after seeing the design and given your clever attitude plus the insults the only advice I'm parting with is invest in CFD/1DGDS & FEA before any machinery.!! The next 10yrs redesigning should give you plenty of time to workout whats needed and gain some engineering skills.!

Has for the request for me to stop reading your posts then request Denied because I like a good laugh.!! . . . BUT I fully intend refraining from posting so you have a result there.!!