Hi lads thanks for the feedback, few things I can touch on.

Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
He he . . . I'm getting used to you know Lee because when I saw the thread locked it did put my heckles up (you know how much I hate sensorship) so nearly started a protest thread but held fire hoping it wasjust being moved or something similiar to what you've done. . . Good Man.
No problem I’m the same person I’ve always been, starting a protest just delays me even more. I actually sent mark and bob? A PM letting them know “I’m on it give me an hour” just like I always ask when something crops up. Hats off to them they gave me the courtesy I asked for, sending me a quick email asking what’s going on takes just the same amount of time as posting a protest thread but is a much better way of going about things...being in front of an audience dose funny things to people!

Quote Originally Posted by blackburn mark View Post
"help., my hamster's wrapped around my spindle", (as a newcomer the activity box meant nowt... i was busy reading up on build logs) im surprised how many people join and don't post !! to busy reading and hatching the master plan i guess :)
Hummm, but if you look at this eBay thread: 5-Axis-Breakout-Board the outcome has been that jonnydeen asks:

Quote Originally Posted by jonnydeen View Post
are these breakout boards & drivers any good? the price is certainly enticing but are they going to fall apart within minutes?
He's made the same type of request for the support there that you may find in the threads you don’t mind seeing, so if you didn’t see that thread in the activity box then jonnydeen may go unanswered.

Quote Originally Posted by blackburn mark View Post
im surprised how many people join and don't post !! to busy reading and hatching the master plan i guess :)
I know, a handful of users have said they don’t feel they can ask for help because of the response they may get, I KNOW that brings us back to the whole "individual personalities" thing (and I really don’t want to open that can of worms right now in this thread) but it is still something that should be given consideration.

If what we really care about is helping people then we should also show willing to be flexible, to help aid accommodating everyone, I have to.

Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
Unfortunatly often they are contacting me because there brains are mushed from all the conflicting advise.
I know this to be true as well, (let the cat out the bag time) I’m hoping to put together a series called "The Basics" this will be articles new comers can use as a jump off point before they going doing anything else.

The way this will work is other users like you can write up an article, screen cast or do a video (whatever floats your boat) and get paid for doing so. To fund this I’m going to reinvest the revenue generated by the site from advertising and so on, so this could mean you spend 1-2 hours writing up an article on let’s say "limit & home switches" where you cover the pros and cons of the two and the best way to implement them on a machine. I’m plucking numbers from thin air here but you could then sell that article back to the site and get £50 for it.

Where the magic happens is that article will not only be a GREAT asset to the site and its users but it will also pull in more interest, interest attracts visitors, every time a visitor reads an article they will help to generate revenue for the site in one way or another. This then pays for your next article if you so wish.

I've talked about money here obviously and I am more than aware it’s not about the money for allot of you but I think this is an acceptable to do, we all know this cnc game isn’t a cheap hobby and I think it all goes hand in hand, why shouldn’t you be able to fund your hobby by helping others who will in turn hopefully help others that come after them.

Making a part for someone because you've got a cnc machine up and running and them giving you a drink for doing it isn’t that much different to you writing up an article for them on how to implement their limit or home switches in the best way.

Dinner time!
