HI Men, sorry for the blunt post ,but i am in dire need of somone who knows haidenhain ,

iv'e recently bought a bridgeport interact 2 with a 145 controller, , i have not got a cat in hells chance of learning it on my own, so need someone to show me the ropes, to do some seting up/programe writing for me,

I understsnd this may be a tall order, but if anyone fancies giving up some of there time to help a struggling bloke, i would be most gratefull and obviously renumerate whoever steps forward,

or if you know of soemone local to me who's is enthusiastic to the cause,lol

i am based in Leeds, J 28 of the M62.

thank's in advance chaps, Carl

ps.if this is in the wrong section can a mod please move to where it should be.