Hi All,

Title covers it all really, I have been testing my AM882 / ZPA5 setup and I have a peculiar problem that I have narrowed down but not resolved.

I can control the motor with the Pro tune software and the motor moves smoothly. However, once the settings have been written to the driver and I try to run them from the ZPA board the motor jumps, jerks and stutters. It moves, in the correct direction but just like there is interference messing up the signal.

So I have put some ferrite beads on the wires, tested it in the case and out of the case even tried another ZPA5 board from my other machine and it still behaves erratically when the BOB is in control.

I wanted to call Zapp today as I am sure I am doing something obviously wrong but its a poxy bank holiday. So as I am super impatient, I thought I would try here in the hope that someone recognises my problem.
