Ok, the seller graciously let me off the hook :-) (lesson learnt - never buy when you're tired & don't trust the Ebay search....get into the detail!)

So ok, since I've now I've been won over into getting a VFD for me 800W water cooled spindle ....the Toshiba in Italy is 0.75KW OUTPUT ...& whilst i'll never upgrade the spindle that I have to a larger one, i do agree with jonathan that it's best to over spec (therefore buy a 1.5kw vfd) because the components will be rated higher & won't break out into a sweat. This leads me back to Chinese ....but there seems to be a huge number out there.

Is there any one particular model that I should seek out? (or avoid?!)

Some VFDs seem to be sent from Portsmouth...which appeals as I'd rather not wait 4 weeks to get up & running on my new machine purchase.