Hi Jazz

It is a direct drive to all ballscrews. The 'steps per' figures of 637.8, 631.1 and 642.6 on x,y and z respectively was by doing the axis calibration within mach. That is the figures that was coming on the dialogue box 'do you accept these settings'

Armed with my new knowledge from yourself and Neale, I was proposing to set the MS drivers to 800 steps and type into the 'steps per' box 320, and increase the velocity to 4000 and the acceleration to 1000. Unless you advise against it

My visit to the workshop yesterday, when I changed the velocity and acceleration settings certainly made a huge difference to the jogging and rapid speeds. Yesterday I also changed the MSteps from 800 to 1600 but this made the motors more whinier (is that a word?) more noisy. My machine is housed in my Fathers workshop at the moment, for the purpose of building it (more tools and equipment) which is about 14 miles away. It will be better when I have finished the build and bring home to my smaller less equipped workshop, so I can't exactly nip out to change some settings and report back.

Thanks again Jazz
