Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could help me out wiring a relay to my breakout board to control my kress spindle to turn it on/off in uccnc.

My breakout board is a uim2901-5a and has spare outputs on pins 1,16 and 17.
Charge pump is connected to pin 17.
Each output pin has 2 terminals a collector and an emitter and after some research I failed to find another board with a similar set up ie, collector and emitter pins most setups I've seen just have a output terminal which is shorted to ground.

I have connected a wire from the 12v psu to the IN+ on my 12v relay then taken another wire from the IN- to the collector terminal of pin 16 and finally a wire from the emitter pin to ground on the psu.

When I switch spindle on in uccnc the relay doesn't trigger, I've disconnected the relay and measured the voltage between the 2 wires that it was connected to and I get 0v when spindle control in uccnc is off and 12v when I toggle the output on so I can't understand why the relay won't trigger I've tried 2 different types of relay a ssr and a emr which both work perfectly when connected directly to a 12v power source.

Can someone please help me, am I missing something here do need any additional components ie, resistors etc.
I have attached a pdf of the manual for the breakout board.

Many thanks in advance

Derek UIM2901 Mach3 BOB 110718.pdf

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