This isn't a proposal of any kind, more like what a forum is designed for that is a debate. I'd like to get the members thoughts on the viability of us as a group producing cost-effective CNC machines. The problem I have is that I don't have the tools or the know-how to create my own CNC machine. That gives me simply one choice, to buy a second-hand or new machine. I know that this forum's primary goal is to aid people who make DIY CNC’s, and it does a pretty good job of that. However for people like me who are incapable of producing a single accurate thing the thought of starting completely from scratch is to daunting to consider. Plus the fact that it might take me over a year to make a single machine. And at the end of the day I will have teething problems no doubt just with the electronics which looks like brain surgery to me.

However I think I'm quite capable of making small parts for a DIY build or even construction manuals and videos and I do have some project management skills not great but they've had the ability to organise 10 people and complete the job on time. The thing is there is a massive amount of experience on the forum not just in the ability to create a machine but at the same time the experience of correcting problems that have occurred during the builds. It seems that progressively the forum and its members have whittled down the dos and don'ts what to buy and what not to buys but unfortunately the information is spread out amongst many threads.
I know people as they are reading this will think of many pros and many cons to why it's not viable. The idea that a forum could between them manufacture an excellent quality CNC at the best price. After watching some of the videos about shed based manufacturer, and people's ability to produce excellent quality things I suppose you have to ask yourself does China have the monopoly on prebuilt low-cost home-based machines. I'm always amazed at how people denigrate the Chinese machines pointing out their obvious weaknesses and flaws. But for some people that is their only choice a bit like when you're only choice of a car is a Skoda because you live in the Soviet union. I'm a member of DIY audio and I have participated in many group buys which have been excellent and a few that were not so good. But the ones that were good saved time and money and meant that the members really benefited from the group effort. I myself had 100 PCBs manufactured, for a group buy and although I was taking the risk of being stuck with all these boards I actually didn't have enough made in the end.

What are your thoughts on the possibility of a group build? I know the first and possibly the hardest part would be everyone agreeing on the builds design and parts. But of course once again that's why this is a forum to debate that particular type of problem. Then each member putting in their capabilities both as engineers and machinery. Certain things the buyers can buy them self with a bit of guidance from the forum for instance spindles, water pumps and things that can't be manufactured by the group. There's no way I'm saying we should do this for free the whole idea of cottage industries is to make money without placing themselves at financial risk. The logistics are simple these days I can ship 30 kg at about £6.35 using a parcel broker online.
Anyway your feedback on this subject would be most appreciated, please also let me know if you would want to participate in such a venture, and even if you weren't then at least let me know why you wouldn't because sometimes the negative side outweighs the positive and that's what I'm trying to gauge in the thread.