. .
  1. #1
    Anyone have recommendations for small run (10s rather than 100s) single/double sided that you've used preferably in the UK?

    Also I'm currently learning FreePCB - anything better/easier that you like (that's as cheap)?


  2. #2
    Stirling i use 'Eagle' and most manufacturers will except the format.
    If the nagging gets really bad......Get a bigger shed:naughty:

  3. #3
    another vote for Eagle
    there are 10 sorts of people in the world
    them as understand binary
    and thems as doesn't

  4. #4
    Another shout is to join the PCBGCODE yahoo grop as there are guys there that may do that sort of run for you?
    If the nagging gets really bad......Get a bigger shed:naughty:

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by stirling View Post
    Anyone have recommendations for small run (10s rather than 100s) single/double sided that you've used preferably in the UK?

    I've done that sort of quantity on my mill before now:


    I'll try it on my router soon with higher spindle speed. All good fun :)

  6. #6
    Thanks for all your replies. Will certainly give Eagle a shot. Still interested if anyone has used and can recommend a commercial pcb supplier.

  7. #7

    It depends on the quality you are after, I have used many of them over the years:

    For top notch boards (at a price)

    I would always recommend Express circuits, they make some fantastic stuff but be prepared for the price, they are generally high technology.


    For cheaper PCB's, with a reasonable quality (we use them for prototyping)

    http://www.pcbtrain.co.uk/ (this is Newbury Electronics)

    http://http://www.pcb-pool.com/ (Irish)

    The quality of the boards is more than respectable and the lead time etc is good, one note would be if you are soldering surface mount I would avoid HASL finish and go with a Immersion finish as the pads will be much flatter.

    I have a quite a lot of PCB experience, especially with Motor drives and high current boards, but have dabbled in RF and other such terrors!! (as do many of the guys I work with) we use Altium (not cheap), so if you ever have any questions then drop me a line, I am alos up for some "beer Token" pcb design if it is not commercial!

    Hope that helps


  8. Quote Originally Posted by 2e0poz View Post
    Stirling i use 'Eagle' and most manufacturers will except the format.

    Eagle files put Olimex in to a full hair tearing rant :naughty:

    Click on "TECHNICAL INFO" then scroll down to...

    FILE FORMATS we accept:


  9. #9
    Thanks both for the info - exactly what I was looking for - I'll peruse and digest.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmybristol View Post
    I used PCB-Pool a lot, but they don't do assembly. Their boards are very good quality. They accept many PCB file formats, however they charge more for Gerbers which I use.

    I used www.bittele.com 's online quote to get my card assembled. It's 30mmX50mm has 1 bga, 60 smd, 10 through hole parts. I'm putting together a real package with BOM and data sheets and gerbers for them to give me a more detailed quote. When I get the run back, I'll send you pics and my expert opinion.
    Last edited by cekic; 23-08-2012 at 07:04 PM.

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