- CSMIO/IP-M vs Ethernet SmoothStepper (Begone foul parallel port!)
- Need repacement controller for CNC 3040
- USB/Ethernet controller for Mach3/4 advice
- Connecting to a CNC machine, pros and cons of USB vs PP vs Ethernet etc.
- anyone using an e-cut 1 mhz usb breakout board
- Comparing motion controllers...
- Analogue to Digital drivers?
- DiyCNC System45
- DIYCNC C4 Spindle Control
- Retrofit Controller to AXYZ router
- Any experience of Novusun Ethernet motion controllers?
- Centroid Acorn DIY CNC controller
- digital to analog servos
- Advice on upgrading from USB Smoothstepper.
- Mesa Control Card Recommendation
- Arduino CNC Shield Power Routing
- G-Code Sender
- What is the advantage of using a motion controller rather than just a PC and BOB?
- Step/direction to analogue converter
- leafman77?
- Controller advice
- Syntec ez4 controller
- MPGs - any standard protocols?
- Centroid Acorn Controller - Has anyone tried one?
- Controls Cabinet size
- Xpro Controller board and VCarve desktop
- CNC 6040 Controller upgrading parts
- USB Emulator
- nowforever d100s1r5b wiring
- PWM control for single AC motor?
- G2Core & GOKO
- Enclosure Recommendations
- wiring V1000 VFD from a 2.2kw Chinese invertor
- DC stepper drivers in an AC system
- Step / Dir to Analog
- Uc400 etc looking for information
- Motion controllers
- Workbee with Duet 2 wifi and planet cnc
- Connecting UNO R3 AVR Module / Arduino CNC Shield to TB6600 for Nema23 stepper motors
- OPT laser
- Opto isolator question
- Connecting https://ologymart.com/products/machifit-er11-chuck-cnc-500w-spindle-motor-
- Mach 3 / CS Labs Smoothing
- Making my control cabinet - what switching controls should I have?
- CY Shielded Cable for 2.2k Spindle
- Idea: Module for gantry squaring of slave axis with standalone controller
- Begginers Grbl running Arduino, CNC Shield, A4988 Problem.
- Technician required
- CNC is unresponsive to x y z movenment manually
- Inductive Limit Switch problem
- Plasma cutting using hf start
- Recommended controller and stepper drivers for new build
- SimCNC- any users?
- Engraving machine controller
- mach3 soft limits
- RYE QUANTUM - Omicron 3000 Controller SWAPOUT OPTIONS
- CNC6040Z controller
- 6040Z controller
- 6040Z controller
- 4th Axis on Mill
- Advice on moving to UCNC from a DDCSV
- AXBB-E wiith UUCNC - All Imputs on port 3 light up
- Fanuc OT valuation?
- Help Required!
- mini saw speed controller 230v 480W 10,000 rpm
- Control Cabinet Wiring
- Weird problem with stepper axis.
- NVEM V2 Novusun BIN file
- Is this normal?
- Go to limit switches for a small-ish mill?
- AC Servo Controller Box design
- Wanted LENZE 534 controller and isolator Board.
- JMC180w servo with intergrated brake AXBB-E where to connect the brake ?
- NVUM5-SP power up
- NVUM5-SP Power Supply
- Where's a good place to buy a 3-phase motor in UK?
- controlling 4 linear 1000mm actuators, any ideas?
- So, 2024, what's the controller market like?
- Back up software
- LinuxCNC