View Full Version : Spindles & Drive Motors

  1. Spindle help, please advise
  2. Measuring Spindle Runout
  3. correcting mill spindle runout
  4. A Question of Collets
  5. Collet adaptor 1/4" to 1/8" for standard router
  6. Router spindle idea
  7. Spindles for Taig CNC?
  8. DIY Spindle - What type of bearings are best suited for a spindle.
  9. fenner spindle board
  10. setting up Moeller VFD to chinese spindle
  11. Help with spindle control
  12. Spindle Speed Measurement
  13. Spindle motors resonable options
  14. spindle bearings overheating
  15. VFD + motor
  16. Drawing of water cooled spindle
  17. spindle interferance.
  18. Can anyone recommend a spindle for milling PCB and cast acrylic?
  19. Mach3 Controlling Huanyang HY02D223B 2.2KW VFD
  20. Spindle chat and thoughts
  21. VFD (?) tripping RCD
  22. Kress v trend
  23. Router bit recommendation, spindle speed and feed rate?
  24. High speed spindle for Sieg X1
  25. VFD Cable and 2.2kw spindle wiring
  26. Spindle torque required
  27. Adjusting speed with vfd
  28. How to connect 2.2KW Inverter VFD?
  29. Photointerruptor circuit for spindle speed
  30. VHD Mounting problem
  31. Poorly siemens inverter, wont switch on.
  32. 50/60 volt spindle inverter.
  33. Speed control
  34. Spindle Stop?
  35. dc motor - spindle / shaft drive
  36. Problems with spindle / motor
  37. Teco inverter
  38. Huanyang VFD control plugin for Mach3, USB RS-485
  39. Help needed connecting IMO JAGUAR VFD to Orac
  40. VFD in main electronics cabinet/general layout?
  41. spindle interferes with steppers
  42. Spindle Speed Control
  43. Chinese 300W DC spindle - is the spindle shaft grounded?
  44. ashe fx1500
  45. little Makita RT0700C router trimmer
  46. New Spindle
  47. Spindle Water Pump
  48. VFD to USB WIRING ????
  49. PCPPS B.O.B. - OK for spindle control?
  50. Advice on spindle inverter spec
  51. motor power and chinese spindles power HELP
  52. VFD Tripping an RCD
  53. 2.2kw servo motor for spindle
  54. hitachi wj200 vfd and modbus
  55. Spindle for sable 2015
  56. Anybody used these ? Hertz Brand spindle
  57. Powertran VFD problem
  58. EMCO Spindle Control
  59. Mechatron HFS range of Spindles
  60. Spindle motor rewind
  61. Router has died. Need Advise Please.
  62. choosing a spindle.
  63. Need help with a sensorless vector VFD and 2.2kw motor.
  64. Need help with a sensorless vector VFD and 2.2kw motor.
  65. High speed router for aluminium tooling 3d profiling.
  66. VFD problems, please help. error code DL
  67. VFD problems, please help. error code "DL"
  68. spindle with compressed air release collet
  69. Spindle Maintainance
  70. machining aluminium with 1.5kW spindle
  71. spindle with compressed air release collet
  72. VFD went pop today
  73. Feed and speed equation
  74. Fitting a pot to a Chinese Spindle VFD
  75. AC servo motor to replace a 3 phase induction motor on a mill spindle.
  76. VFD to motor cable wire size (Gauge)
  77. Anyone familiar with Hitachi X200... a few Q's.....
  78. VFD error
  79. Connecting VFD
  80. magic smoke escaped from my chinese VFD
  81. TB6560 controller Runs spindle on power up When Mach3 plunges spindle stops
  82. VFD upgrade
  83. Could do with some advice on the two invertors i have aquired
  84. Haunyang VFD input voltage
  85. Conect 121 DC spindle motor help!
  86. Looking for an CNC xPro controller board
  87. Wiring limit switches
  88. Toshiba modbus
  89. mitsubishi freqrol spindle drive
  90. Arel Spindles
  91. 2.2KW 3HP Inverter help
  92. Inside pics of a 3040 300w DC spindle motor
  93. MCB reccomendation for router
  94. Torque / Speed curves for different Spindle Types
  95. VFD/Spindle wiring help
  96. Problem with Spindle not spinning
  97. Weird problem - stepped/staged deceleration on Huanyang 2.2kw Spindle
  98. New milling motor Proxxon FBS 240/E upgrade to Kress 1050 FME-1
  99. VFD choice
  100. Connecting 2.2kw vfd to Mains supply
  101. Controlling the spindle RPM
  102. VFD ASKPOWER A131 Need Help!
  103. Which circular connector for spindle
  104. Irregular Spindle Speed
  105. ATC Spindles air connections inquiry
  106. Vfd cable
  107. PWM "analogue" spindle speed control and VFDs
  108. ER16 Collet nut problem
  109. Cheap CNC breakout board for controlling spindle speed, will this work?
  110. Hand held CNC router?!
  111. DIY Spindle Drawbar?
  112. Schneider Altivar 320 wiring / setup help needed
  113. Spindle being awkward.
  114. Slower Spindle Needed
  115. Huanyang VFD and spindle problem
  116. Configuring Altivar 12 frequency regulator for PID control
  117. Huanyang VFD repair
  118. Finding spindle suppliers in UK
  119. Spindle ramp up ??
  120. Spindle indexer help please
  121. What power of spindle for cutting 4mm phenolic with 3mm cutter?
  122. Huanyang VFD dl Error
  123. Help me choose my first spindle
  124. Spindle funny noise
  125. Emco Unimat Pc control
  126. High Speed Spindle - Drilling & Mild Steel
  127. Huanyang VFD current draw measurements.
  128. Genorth VFD - anyone used one?
  129. AC with VFD or 180V DC for lathe?
  130. Sprint 400i DC motor controller wiring
  131. Lenze 8200 VFD Inverter - Spindle motor not moving
  132. Spindle motor
  133. HELP! Best spindle for only sculpting oak?
  134. Best spindle for engraving brass, silver?
  135. Huanyang VFD and spindle problem - VI/GND drawing voltage from my controller
  136. Huanyang Motor Overload
  137. XSY-AT1 VFD on/off and speed wiring enquiry
  138. motor making noise but not spinning
  139. Chinese VFD and 2.2Kw Spindle
  140. High frequency vfd 1500hz
  141. Which hf spindle from china
  142. chinese 500w spindle wiring
  143. Help !! Stepper motor
  144. Programming DSE Lite for AC10
  145. MicroRouter Spindle upgrade - advice and help required
  146. DIY ATC Spindle
  147. Huanyang VFD, how to get Waterpump switching on with UPF/DRV/DCM connectors?
  148. Plumbing a water-cooled spindle.
  149. Generic Chinese VFD, XSY-AT1 Programming Parameters/Settings
  150. Super-PID
  151. The Quick Step milling unit on my CNC is getting very hot
  152. XSY AT1-1500 Err 1
  153. Help needed to connect my VFD to the AXBB controller
  154. VFD cable article
  155. New Spindle Choices
  156. Quick question regarding spindle direction
  157. Options for replacement lathe spindle motor
  158. Wadkin TC80 spindle - seeking info
  159. Three phase motor choice
  160. Altivar 320 VFD + ESS Smoothstepper + Mach4 + Gecko G540
  161. Enquiry about balancing a diy brushless spindle
  162. Can anyone help me with ideas for driving a med/large dc spindle drive motor, please?
  163. Huanyang 2.2kw fan direction question
  164. Need Help! Spindle not running
  165. VFD YL620-A2.2KW 220V and 2.2KW water cooled spindle settings
  166. 220v VS 380v Spindle Difference
  167. Hybrid stepper motor voltage.
  168. Braking resistor calculations...
  169. AT1 Single Phase to Three Phase Penske Spindle Woes....
  170. Handling of HY VFD errors
  171. Help with broken/ smoking HY02D223B VFD on Openbuilds platemaker
  172. Huanyang HY02D223B manual speed control
  173. Sprint 400 driver board
  174. Warco WM16 CNC converted spindle motor problem
  175. I bought an 1000$ cheap aliexpress BT30 ATC spindle
  176. Huanyang setup help
  177. Spindle water cooling kit availability ?
  178. Negative frequency + sound like old radio.
  179. Potentially a nice problem to have....?
  180. Testing The VFD, Break Resistor and Wiring to AXBBE
  181. VFD and RCD
  182. Vevor A2-8055 spindle amp settings
  183. VFD Advice - AT1 2200X any good?
  184. Setting up VFD to run without a controller in router table.
  185. HSD spindle tool eject